In today’s publishing landscape, you can reach fans all over the world. Query letters are a thing of the past. You don’t even need a literary agent. There is nothing standing in the way of making a living from writing. Join the two bestselling fantasy authors, Autumn and Jesper, every Monday, as they explore the writing craft, provides tips on publishing, and insights on how to market your books.
Monday Apr 27, 2020
Monday Apr 27, 2020
How do productive authors stay on track, even during a crisis (like, um, a global pandemic)? Goals are one tool you can use and in this episode, Autumn talks to author H. B. Lyne about how to set writing goals that are SMART (and what that actually means).
Plus, expect discussions on why you might want to re-cover your books, the importance of mental and physical health for your writing, and a bit about Holly's work as an UnstoppableAuthor with writing partner Angeline Trevena.
Learn more about H. B. Lyne at
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Read the full transcript below. (Please note that it's automatically generated and while the AI is super cool, it isn't perfect. There may be misspellings or incorrect words on occasion).
Narrator (2s):
You're listening to the amwritingfantasy podcast in today's publishing landscape, you can reach fans all over the world. Query letters are a thing of the past. You don't even need in literary agent. There is nothing standing in the way of making a living from writing join to best selling authors who have self-published more than 20 books between them. Now onto the show with your hosts, Autumn Birt and Jesper Schmidt.
Autumn (30s):
Hi, this is Autumn and today Jesper is taking a break and instead I am here with British author HB Lyne and we will be talking about her books and some great tips about writing and goal setting and maybe why you might want to recover. So, hi Holly, how are you?
Holly (51s):
I, I'm great. Thank you very much. Thanks for having me on the show.
Autumn (56s):
Yes, it's so great to, uh, touch base with someone across the ocean again and I love the accent. I do miss it. I, I've mentioned just before we started recording that I'd spent a year in England. I spent a year in Manchester and I just, I did love it over there and I kind of do miss the accident. I have to admit. So welcome. And yeah, please introduce yourself and tell us about a bit about your books. I think I counted was at five or six out. I can't remember.
Holly (1m 25s):
It depends on your definition. So I'm Holly Lyne I write dark hub and fantasy I have a series of the
Autumn (1m 36s):
well nonetheless
Holly (1m 37s):
and then another series of one, but I'm also appearing in some anthologies. So, um, yeah. And I have a couple of novellas and a collection of short stories. So yeah. Um,
Autumn (1m 53s):
I saw that you are a fan, I believe a Stephen King and your, you have hopes to be very prolific. It sounds like you're on.
Holly (1m 59s):
Yeah, I love Stephen King. I love horror. That's where my roots and uh, that would be amazing to be as successful as him.
Autumn (2m 12s):
Well if you ever happen to be covering overseas, because I used to live in Maine, I used to joke that, you know, I was just down the road from Stephen King, so I can definitely give you a tour and host you and take your over to Maine and, and I don't know, we can at least hang out by his gait. So appeal maybe I for ease. Very friendly. Sometimes he does sign books so we can try to stalk him. Oh great. Thank you so much for joining me. And I know you're also part of a team, just like Yesper an eye on stoppable authors.
So you have a partner Angeline and so you guys have been been writing together or at least you've been working together. I know for a few years. So I've known you from Instagram for quite awhile and Angeline from Instagram and I know you used to have the, was the Western building Western foyers building. Yes. So, but that was such a mouthful.
Holly (3m 14s):
We think branded at the start of this year and we're not. We are now unstoppableauthor
Autumn (3m 22s):
I love that. If it's a good, it's a good title. So I really like that. But yeah, you guys have done so much. I know I joined what in your world-building month where every day you, you know, post something on Instagram and that was so much fun. So it was fantastic that you guys organize things like that to get authors, you know, posting more and sharing more about our books and things we wouldn't normally think of maybe to post. So I've definitely been a fan and joining that. So it's so fun. Fun to have you online.
And I know you said you're actually writing a book on goals and goal setting, so you've switched to Lyne
Holly (3m 59s):
my first fiction book. Um, and it's just been a sort of natural evolution of what I've been doing, like with Angeline on the podcast and with my social media. Um, I've been apart of the writing community now for six years and it just feels like the time to start sharing some of the things that I've learned and helping other people. So they'll setting is kind of been my, um, area of expertise, I guess for a little while.
And it just, yeah, it seemed to be a natural fit. So I thought, yeah, I'm going to share some of my tips in a book.
Autumn (4m 41s):
Oh, that's fantastic. I asked, I, I do, I love, that's one thing I do love about the author community. I think we tend to give back so much, uh, compared to a lot of other side things, like in, my husband's into photography and he's done a few other things and they're pretty ruthless online where I think authors tend to be so much more helpful in kind. So it's brilliant to work with other officers, the best communities, but definitely some goals.
Oh no, that's all right. Hands down. It's definitely one of the best communities. I just, I, it's rare to find someone who you want to avoid, so that's a good thing. Well, I think goal setting is a great topic. So of course here we are. This is, we're recording a little bit early, but this will be released at the end of April. And I'm assuming, even though that's a couple of weeks away, that we're still going to be in a pandemic and just undergoing, Oh, I don't know what's going to happen between now and then.
And I sometimes don't want to imagine, but goal setting is a good topic for right now because it's so easy to, if you're not used to being home and you know, maybe having the chance to write all the time, or especially if you're home kids, which I know you have to. So it can be a challenge to suddenly your entire schedule. It has been up ended. You're, our entire world has been upended and we're trying, you know, there's lots of good memes, memes out there saying, you know, keep it up, you know, stay focused now as a chance to, you know, if you ever wanted to be a full time writer, now is your chance to give it a try, assuming you're not remote working, but how yeah.
So what are some good tips? I mean that'd be great to get into some good tips for goals I read at, I do know that. Yeah, I do. I agree. I totally, uh, I'm off the horse, the cart right now and I need to get back on it because I used to be so good at setting goals. I do weekly goals. So yeah, I can add in my tips too, but I've kind of fallen off of that and I need to get back on it because it makes such a huge difference when you have some sort of goals that's how you write. I'm up to book, I think I'm on 16 or 17 and I used to have people say, I am sure you have to.
It's like how do you have find time to write books. And especially when I had a full time job and a husband and you know, joke around and say, I'm a vampire, you don't sleep. I don't need food. Uh, it's not the truth. So what are your best tips? They give us any nuggets that you're putting into,
Holly (7m 16s):
you climbed up this book and kind of the topics I wanted to cover and roughly what was going to happen in each chapter. Uh, a little while. It goes off well before it's pandemic really took off. And I was planning to write it in this gap between fiction projects that I have. And it just, um, I delayed initially I delayed starting it because it felt no, hang on the world just went crazy. Now's not the time for this.
Um, and I was feeling really daunted because one of my early chapters was on, uh, living in crisis mode and it felt, I don't know insensitive maybe to be writing about that while so many of us are living in crisis mode. So, um, I put off, right, I put off starting it for, for a good few weeks, but then something clicked inside and I was like, no, hang on. Now is the perfect time to write about this. Um, and yeah, like you said, there are all these names and stuff and I know that that's negatively affecting some people because they feel this pressure to be their most creative, productive selves and they just can't right now.
Um, so I just want to say if that's how you feel, if you feel like you just can't right now, that's fine. I certainly had days where I'm just like, Nope, I know. I just have to get through the day. Am
Autumn (8m 50s):
yeah, this is incredibly, even if you're a normally a good, like I'm a normal, but this is really hard. And like I, there are times where I am out of breath, worried about, you know, my parents, they're both have immune issues. So it's just, you feel it. And even if you're, like I said, I'm normally a very chipper, dedicated task oriented person, but there's days that I just need to stop and just stare at the stream for a few minutes because it's just hard. This is really hard.
So yeah, if this is okay, if you're having, um, an office,
Holly (9m 26s):
absolutely it will just completely upside down and I, I wouldn't want anyone to feel any kind of pressure to set goals if they can barely shower and feed themselves, you know. Um, so definitely health first and there's going to be quite a lot in your book about looking after your health and, um, setting goals that are realistic so that take your whole life into account. Um, and figuring out what's realistic based on your actual circumstances.
So rather than looking at what other people are doing and what goals they're setting, make sure that what you're setting for yourself is appropriate to your life and your situation.
Autumn (10m 14s):
Oh, that's fantastic. That's a great idea. And a great reality check that. Yeah. Sometimes I know even myself with my productivity, I had a, a friend who lived in London and Oh my goodness, the amount of books he could turn out made me just made my head spin and I didn't know how he did it. And you just can't put that kind of pressure on yourself because it kind of free to me, it almost brings up writer's block or it freezes you from just that looseness, the creativity and the where the where the things sink and click.
And that's a, that's a much looser place than when you start feeling that pressure and the gears are grinding and you're done
Holly (10m 51s):
definitely going to fall apart. Very, what I call comparison itis, uh, where we, we'd look forever, outwards and especially on social media. I know, I said our community is wonderful and it really is, but when there's a little bit of a dangerous zone where you are looking always at what other people are doing and comparing yourself to them. And I don't think that's helpful in, you know, nine out of 10 cases.
So any, no, exactly.
Autumn (11m 27s):
And you also never know what's going on under the hood.
Holly (11m 30s):
Yeah. So you know, always, I think it's good to look up to other people and have aspirations and see, Oh, that really works for them. Maybe it's worth trying, but if it doesn't work for you, don't keep trying to, you know, make it happen. Yeah,
Autumn (11m 54s):
exactly. Yeah. It's always good to be open to learning another technique or another skill or sing us something will work for you. But yeah, when it's word counts and number of books released and everything else that, you know, if people seem to, some people rise to challenges that other people just feel like everything's falling apart. So it's it, it doesn't help to, to imagine yourself in someone else's shoes and someone else's life. You need to be the best you can be in yours. Excellent. I'll do love the fact too that you talk about like whole health because yeah, if you're struggling and just keeping things together that doesn't help if you want.
Holly (12m 31s):
Yeah, that really helps me. Um, you know, I think having other creative outlets can maybe free up your writing as well and give you, you know, creative well to draw from safe. Yeah. Yeah. Nice.
Autumn (12m 56s):
Great. So I know when I was doing goal setting, uh, you know, some people would go for word counts or everything else, but I would make, and some people have daily goals, monthly goals. I went for a weekly goal progress and I would adjust it based on my work calendar. Like if I had a really busy week that I knew I had a, I had a, you know, spot check coming up or something and it was just going to be a totally stressful week at work, I would reduce my, for me it was a chapter goals so sometimes it was like one chapter a week and then there was times where I knew it was going to be an easy breezy work or are those going to be some half days or something strange like that that I could, uh, I had have a chapter goal of two and a half chapters a week.
So that really, I mean I did really well under that.
Holly (13m 41s):
Yeah. So, and I go really extra and um, I set annual goals, quarterly goals, monthly goals and weekly goals. Yeah. So I have a longterm plan, so I never am going, Oh, I'm going to say I set yearly goals. I actually even have five-year plaques, but that's very, thank you. It's um, it's a loose plan. It's a kind of right now, this is where I think I want to be in five years, but I will regularly, we assess it and see if that's still white 1:00 AM yeah, rightly so.
And I him do that with my yearly and quarterly goals because things can change. Like this pandemic who'd have known this is completely changed my entire year. I was just gonna say that. Yeah. Check in regularly and secure goals is still relevant and if they need to be adapted.
Autumn (14m 50s):
fantastic. Oh, that's a great,
Holly (14m 54s):
Autumn (14m 54s):
Yeah, but I mean goals should definitely not be a written in stone because if you're not, you know, like we said the pandemic could happen, but just what you want out of life could change.
Holly (15m 5s):
Yeah. Okay. You might have an idea and it doesn't do so well and maybe the, you know, popularity of the genre has waned a little bit and so you need to change direction. So you always need to be flexible in what you're, what you're doing and what you're putting out there and keeping an eye on, you know, other factors outside of your control and responding to them. So having a versatile goal setting system that allows you the chance to do that I think is quite important.
Autumn (15m 46s):
And how do you check in with your goals? So I always saw that it's like, it's easy, I need, and I saw that at work, I would have to do a business plan and there'd be times you wouldn't even look at it until you're like, Oh, I'm going to have my annual or mid year review and I better look at my business plan. So you're looking at it maybe once or twice a year. But the idea with goals, I mean especially in his personal ones, are supposed to be keeping you on track and hopefully inspiring you to meet them, which means putting in some work. So what's your best tip for reminding yourself? What do you actually look at them and you say, yeah,
Holly (16m 18s):
because I have a a day to day bullet journal. It is includes all of my personal and work stuff and then I have a business planner, which is where I do my, my big goal setting I have for the year and the quarter and all of that. And in my day to day bullet journal, I literally keep task lists and I will regularly write down my goals. I'll put them, I do like a monthly spread, which has like a calendar with all of my appointments and everything on looking at an empty the sons and alongside that I always have some goals for the month and I'll write them down in multiple places where I'm going to see them that she every day.
And that helps just to keep them in the forefront of my mind on a regular basis. Okay.
Autumn (17m 11s):
Oh that's excellent. That's a good way. Yeah, definitely keeping them visible is I think important. I know some people put them like right into their calendar and other places. I've, I, I used to have something called ABC notes that was on my iPad that would actually show like unfinished tasks and like the little corner. So I would know to go in and check it and see like what I hadn't done. Of course, if you're good at ignoring things, I don't know what it would work otherwise. But it's definitely helpful to have something. I've gone almost all electronic and I don't, I mean, I wish Scribner actually had like, um, an alarm system or saying like, Hey, you haven't touched me today.
I wonder if there's an app out there for that or I should talk to the company that made it and see like put on like reminders. So it's like eight hours. That would be horrible. But I think I love it. Yes, definitely. Definitely be able to set your reminder time, but that'd be kind of fun. So what are some things that you would put on, like your weekly, your monthly or annual,
Holly (18m 19s):
uh, tasks on working out at the moment? I do, I have a word count goal this month, but most months I wouldn't do a word count go. It would be, I mean, I use smart goals, um, which, uh, do you know what they are? It's okay. So it's a planning system where, um, you have to get really granular with the Prince is, and the research shows that people who set smart goals are more likely to achieve their goals.
So every goal should be specific. So like a word count, that's, that's a really solid, smart goal. Measurable. Again, word count. You can check that every day and see what progress you're making. Um, yeah. Um, uh, yeah, a, a a is for, um, like appropriate to your situation that they actually fit with your, your big goals and what you're striving for.
Um, uh, is for relevant so they have to be yet appropriate to your situation right now. Um, T is time-bound, so put a deadline on them. So, you know, so I, if I don't say a word count goal, it will be something like finish this by the end of the month or, um, you know, I'm giving it to a big relaunch project. So over the coming months I've got goals like get the cover designed for book to get the formatting done for book three and so on and so forth.
So they, they're specific and, um, they're very, you know, concrete things that I know what to do. Um, and for bigger things that are more of a project, I'll break it down and figure out every task that I need to do in order to accomplish everything to do with that project and get it out the door in time. And so again, that's where I use my planner. I'll have like a, a page that I have, you know, for that project and I have everything written down that I need to do for that project and they can cross them off as I do them.
Okay. Oh, that sounds really useful. I like that smart goal. So that's the acronym that's very helpful. And yeah, I can definitely see the difference. I mean, if you do something very loose or if, especially if you said something way too big that you're gonna not be able to check off or you know who you end up with a busy week or you know, you end up in quarantine or something, you're just not going to get it done. I know the one time I forgot my am computer charger in Canada. And so it took them two weeks to ship it to me. I didn't get much writing done during that two weeks because it was paranoid I'd run out of my laptop charger and yeah, I don't know why I didn't just order another one off of Amazon, but you know, you just don't go back and question yourself, but Oh, I'd love to talk a little bit more that you're, so you're doing this relaunch to, not to switch up on goal setting, but I'd love to talk a little bit about your prelaunch and what led you to that market.
Changes the landscape changes, cover conventions change and my beautiful, beautiful colors that I had done in late 2013 2014 there are no longer current, um, you know, yeah, I did. I published in 2012 and yeah, I think I've gone through two or three covers on, yeah, it's changed so much and they've improved what the quality level has come up so much.
But also I gave an early publisher flowery titles that were like clues, you know, to the big story arc. And you know, I thought were very clever, but actually they don't really give the reader the right cues as well as the book is going to be. So I, I had some feedback that my titles and my covers made my books look like they were romance and they're really not.
Um, yeah. So, so I decided that I needed, Oh, new titles, new covers the works. It's something that I've been sitting on for maybe 18 months and was like, one day, you know, one day I'll do this am and then I, I decided to make it a goal and prioritize it. And so now it's actually happening. Um, uh huh. Yeah. Mean it's, it's scary and it's intimidating and it's exciting and all of the things.
Um, but yeah, I've just had the first book back from a cover designer and it's so pretty. I'm so excited. It's gonna be awesome. Oh,
Autumn (23m 47s):
Oh, that's awesome. Yeah. I partially, my other hat is a graphic designer and I love covers and I love arts. And I love the psychology of covers all the little clues that even fonts, I'm giving you these subconscious clues, the colors give you subconscious clues too. You know, what kind of genre can a book this is going to be. And so yeah, I agree. Oh, I can't wait to see your covers. I'll be watching on Instagram for you to release them that
Holly (24m 13s):
everything. I'm also happy, exciting. We've done even done the most beautiful job on the first one. It's absolutely stunning. And um, yeah, it's the first time I've worked with a for matter before and I've always just done my own and you know, that's fine and absolutely, you know, need writers shouldn't be afraid to boot strap that. And it's a good skill to learn, you know, to know how to format your books.
But I can't make them look really pretty or I don't have the time to invest in learning the skills to make them look really good. So say, yeah, I'm outsourcing that one. And that's, that's been a good experience as well. So,
Autumn (25m 5s):
Oh, that's great. Oh, that's fantastic. Well, that's always a good thing to hear too. And I mean, I just, to me it's a level of professionalism too, is when you are looking even at the formatting, whether you're learning it to do yourself, whether well or buying the software to do it yourself or hiring it out to someone else, it's just am. It shows that you're taking your own level of quality and professionalism and that this is something you, you know, you're going to be serious about this and you're no longer an immature.
So, you know, that's fantastic. I do, I do remember when, you know, the old old days, I think I uploaded my first book in 2012 using word and I was, I think actually I wanted to join a promo and the organizers like, look, your book looks good. You have lots of, you know, reviews. But I opened it up and it's like the font change because it just, Amazon's compression, everything had just kind of broken. The word file, original doc doc I had uploaded and I was like, I was so, um, so that, yeah, that's, I pull it down.
I'm like, I'm formatting. And I happened to have, my family's also very heavy into computer science. So I, I've looked at it, I found a software program and I actually, I use Golan and I ran with that and love it to death. Uh, and it was, I think I got that right. We do. It first came out, it was super cheap. So I feel very fortunate. Um, but yeah, it's, it was definitely kind of like a, you gotta ideal. Say you, you know, you need to go back and look at your previous books every year cause we have a tendency to publish and move on, but you to update your links, you need to make sure everything's working.
You need to make sure that the internet has not broken whatever format you created because it might, and it can and readers will not pick up a book if suddenly you have three spaces between every paragraph and things are offset in the font changes. Oh my gosh, no, you've got to fix that. You, it makes a huge difference.
Holly (27m 6s):
Yeah. So when is your hope to relaunch it? Fine. Are you going to roll them out one by one or you're going to die? Um, and so start a new, any actually like in the same world but set later on and um, the plan and the goal is to just that new book in December this year and rapid release, the full proceeding runs September, October, November, and then December and then into the new ones.
So, yeah, I'm just kind of getting everything lined up now so that I'm ready. Yeah.
Autumn (27m 55s):
Yeah. Well you sound like you'd be, and I know you're just on book ones and you have three more to do and get everything done, but we are only in April, so we have quarantine and pandemics aside. I think you've given yourself lots of space and time to hopefully have everything ready for a,
Holly (28m 12s):
not necessarily easy because there's always last minute schedule. Make sure you give yourself plenty of time because there's nothing, nothing worse, I don't think. Then realizing you've tried to fit too much in, um, you know, that can just really quickly if you feel too stressed to actually accomplish anything. So yeah.
Autumn (28m 48s):
Yeah. I, I've definitely always been in my art and in my writing that a high stress does not bring out my productivity. I really, I'd rather do a quick meditation and calm myself down. I, I'm a comfort. I forget am I have looked at the anagrams, um, I forget which one I am, but whichever one is the one that like likes comfort for creativity and stuff, that's me. So I need my cup of hot tea. I might need a cookie and I needed the fireplace and then I'm usually ready to write it.
It's not usually that bad. I have traveled quite a lot and I've been writing, I finished a novel literally in the passenger seat of a land cruiser while driving a highway in Montana. Um, because I was just so desperate to get it done. But that's the, you know, showing up to work. Not the preferred method of work, but definitely especially I'm spent, I was starting am two new series myself and I've kind of did the test like I did two novellas to see which one readers would like and I was going to write whatever series they preferred and it almost ended up being like a 45 55 split, so that always didn't help.
So I'm going with the one I like, uh, but I'm still, it's new, it's a newish storyline, newish world and I, I think I need a couple of rainy comfort days to maybe get into it a little bit more. Maybe it'll start flowing better, but do some goal setting and just get going already and stuffing a wuss about this. I know how to write already put, it goes to show everyone everyone needs at any point in their career. They need to
Holly (30m 26s):
just written this series of short stories. I have stories of very kind of supernatural urban fantasy but very, very dark and they were written in the winter and I really want to give my main character, his own novel series because I just completely fell in love with him. But I'm like, I can't, I can't write that when it's bright blue sky and go to sunshine outside. I need the rain. I need the autumn dark evenings.
Cause that's the atmosphere as those books. Yeah. So he's going to have to wait.
Autumn (31m 10s):
Yeah, I do get, well he'll be waiting for you in the fall of it. Hopefully. Hopefully in other ways the world will be a happier, better place. But yeah, that's, I do get that. I, I definitely had a series that every time the fall, the first book started in the fall. So every time it came around it'd be like, yeah, I could keep going in that. And I will say this, the pandemic was inspiring some dark dystopian ideas, but I've actually kind of reverse course.
I tend to be contrary and I now just have this huge desire to go back to my original Epic fantasy, which is noble, bright and all like the heroes will eventually conquer. They'll go through crap, but they will succeed. I could just totally go for that. How um, however, you know, my book is sort of a dark urban fantasy as well, that my current series and I need to embrace.
Oh yeah.
Holly (32m 24s):
Yes. So is that the one, I mean, create new work? Are you coding in the world? Creates another aspect of the world, and then we're each gonna write our own novellas set in that world. Um, so it says future Britain where the sea levels have risen catastrophic CLI, and so there's, yeah. Yeah. So there's not a lot of funds left, not a lot of resources.
And people live under these domes to protect them from a radioactive atmosphere. I remember those posts stay inside. I'm like propaganda inside the domes. Yeah. Oh yeah, definitely. This is perfect for the characters who have to stay inside.
Autumn (33m 27s):
Oh, shoot. Well, if we can't laugh about this, we'll just go and say it. So, Oh you do? I think, well especially British, I think you're very good at the dark humor, the gallows humor. Am there's some people I think in the U S we're not quite as good at it. Uh, we're more sarcastic and so I do appreciate that about the dry British sense of humor. I think you guys can handle this very well. I've always said I was on the wrong continent, but, Oh well where are you go.
I'll come back and visit when I can, when you know, at this point we have to get a sailboat so I can come back. Oh well that's excellent. I love that. Cause I've heard like Gasper and I have been world-building and we're going to write a series together. Um, and so that's, you know, that's more the traditional, but I love the fact that you've kind of created a world together, but you're each gonna write your own novellas. That also sounds like fun. And who knows, maybe I will have to hell, we'll have to see how things go. I might end up branching off one or two short stories on my own then in the world that Yesper and I built that sounds kind of,
Holly (34m 34s):
yeah, I mean part of this world. So it will be very clear that they are a shared universe and you know, even going to sort of look at maybe crossover characters and just, you know, we'll say yeah, exciting times. Yeah.
Excellent. Hold on.
Autumn (35m 8s):
Oh, that's cool. That's really cool. Yeah, it's like I said, very different. So I know like probably a lot of the authors listening are, you know, familiar with like, well there's a lot of collaboration and co, you know, teaming up as writers going on, which I think is fantastic, but this is kind of a different twist on it and I think it's fascinating. So it kind of gives you a little bit of independence, but also a writing partner collaborator at the same time.
Holly (35m 35s):
Yeah, absolutely. Other people who maybe are challenged for control, like the idea of collaborative want to just test the waters, that kind of halfway house where we each have control over our own stories. So yeah, it's a good first. First step two was co-writing something.
Autumn (36m 6s):
Oh, fantastic. Well, I cannot wait to see how this goes and uh, hear updates and Watson, see the releases eventually on Instagram's. It'll be so much fun.
Holly (36m 17s):
Autumn (36m 19s):
Oh, great. Do you have any final
Holly (36m 21s):
yeah. Or announcements. I know what the unstoppableauthor is. You guys have put stuff together, but so many things are on I right now in the world, but I know you guys have some great clients. I can see how that grows as well maybe on hold, but all of our guest office had been fantastically supportive and they're all keen to, you know, still attend when it goes ahead in November. So yeah, it's kind of, we had to just kind of stopped planning because there's nothing else we can do on it right now. But, um, yeah, it'll be good to get back to planning and promoting that in a few months.
Autumn (37m 6s):
Yeah. I've seen so many of the events, the writing events Angeline has attended and um, you know, gone to as an author and signed up for and doesn't signings and things. And I've always admired it and was always joking like, Oh, I want to come across the ocean and do one with you guys. Who knows. Maybe one of these days we can all make that happen because it would be so awesome. I will definitely be paying attention and any excuse to come back at once. The world is slightly in our new normal, whatever that normal ends up being.
It'll be fantastic and hopefully I'll meet some of the other, like I said, I seem to know a lot of Britain, British authors, so that'd be fantastic to meet up with everyone. We're going to have a huge party maybe. Well great. Thank you so much for coming on and for the tips on goal setting and you know why you might want to be looking at your covers and you know, just testing out your books and looking and making sure everything is still up to snuff after a few years. Right now everyone's pretty much at home so it was a good time to recheck your old files.
Holly (38m 14s):
Autumn (38m 17s):
Yes. Excellent. Well, we'll have to have an update, maybe have out the other half on at one point and uh, see how things are going. Great.
Holly (38m 25s):
Autumn (38m 27s):
and so coming up next we have, we'll be back to Yesper and I will have some writing tips in our next podcast. So please come back
Holly (38m 36s):
and stay tuned.
Narrator (38m 42s):
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